Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology MacDonald MBChB DCH FRCPE FAAP, Mhairi G.; Ramasethu MBBS DCH MD FAAP, Jayashree and Rais-Bahrami MD, Khodayar


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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! We have listed as Very Good instead of LIKE NEW because we want to over deliver rather than under. See this book is unread, unused, crisp and new Except it was a former U.S.Military Medical Library Book that was prep’d for the library with a Base Stamp, Library sku on outside and library card may be in the inside. However, this book and many others never made it to the library shelf. The access codes, online learning material, codes, etc. are all included! So you are getting a new, out of the box or right off the press/shelf before ever being read.We do our best to send FedEx or USPS instead of 10-14 day USPS Media Mail. So the shipping cost you are paying are only covering half of the actusl cost at best! We pay the other half so you get the book fast!


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