Kanski’s Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach Kanski MD MS FRCS FRCOphth, Jack J. and Bowling FRCSEd(Ophth) FRCOphth FRANZCO, Brad


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SKU: OQ-2B7Y-MHQ4 Category:


Ex-Library US Army Medical Center. Bought New & Made Ready for Library use but due to Federal Budget Cuts it never made it. Crisp New Pages. Binding, Reading Material and Pages are in like new/very good condition. Again, this is a NEW Book but because it has been made ready for library with the usual markings, it must be listed under Very Good Condition. Guaranteed Satisfaction. Best Deal you can get for what is basically a New Book. Because it an Elsevier evolve Book you can go online and register for videos, physics review and the complete learning experience that comes with an Elsevier Book including the CODE. Has call numbers on outside of book, Date due on outside cover (never checked out), Military Base Stamp on inside and DISCARD stamp on book (Since no longer the property of the Federal Gov’t).


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